Teras Salam

Antoni Gaudí, Spanish Modernist Architect

© Gaudí & Barcelona Club
Antoni Gaudí, Spanish Modernist Architect
Leading the Spanish Modernist movement, Antoni Gaudí has been classified with Gothicism (sometimes called warped Gothicism), Art Nouveau, and Surrealism. He was also influenced by Oriental styles, nature, sculpture, and a desire to go beyond anything that had ever been done before. Defying labels, Antoni Gaudí's work might be simple called, Gaudí-ism.

June 25, 1852 somewhere in Catalonia, possibly Baix Camp, Tarragona, Spain
June 12, 1926
Full Name:
Antoni Plàcid Guillem Gaudí Cornet

Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura, Barcelona
Important Buildings:
1882-Present: Sagrada Familia
1883-1888: Casa Vicens
1886-1890: Palau Güell
1888-1890: Colegio Teresiano
1891-1892: Casa Botines
1898-1900: Casa Calvet
1900-1914: Parque Güell
1901-1902: Finca Miralles
1904-1906: Casa Batlló

1900: Casa Calvet named Building of the Year by the City of Barcelona
1969: Casa Milà, Casa Vincens, Colegio Teresiano, Parque Güell, and Sagrada Familia, named Historic-Artistic Monuments of National Interest
1984: Casa Milà, Palau Güell, and Parque Güell granted World Heritage status by UNESCO
John Ruskin - "Ornament is the origin of architecture"
Religion - the basis of Gaudí's inspiration, particularly in later years
Catalan nationalism
Oriental structures
Art Nouveau and shapes taken from nature
Organic architecture
Eugène Viollet-le-Duc - medieval French architecture
"Originality consists of returning to the origin. Thus, originality means returning, through one's resources, to the simplicity of the early solutions."
"Everything comes from the great book of nature."
"Artists do not need monuments erected for them because their works are their monuments."
Life of Antoni Gaudí:
Stricken with a rheumatic problem that made walking painful, young Antoni Gaudí often missed school and had little interaction with other children, but had ample time to study nature. While seeking his degree in architecture in Barcelona, Gaudí also studied philosophy, history, and economics. He believed that differences in architecture were caused by society and politics, rather than aesthetics.
Gaudí was granted the title of Architect and presented his first major project, the Mataró Cooperative (a housing project for factory workers), at the Paris World Fair in 1878. Far ahead of his time, only a small portion of the project was actually built, but Gaudí's name became known and he met Eusebi Güell, who would become a very close friend as well as a patron. This meeting was extremely fortuitous: Güell trusted his friend's genius completely and never limited or tried to change the architect's vision during his many projects.
In 1883, Gaudí began work on his greatest project, the Sagrada Familia church, begun in 1882 by Francisco de Paula del Villar. For nearly 30 years, Gaudí worked on Sagrada Familia and other projects simultaneously, until 1911, when he decided to devote himself exclusively to the church. During the last year of his life, Gaudí lived in his studio at Sagrada Familia.
Tragically, in June, 1926, Gaudí was run over by a tram. Because he was poorly dressed, he was not recognized and taxi drivers refused to take a "vagabond" to the hospital (they were later fined by the police). Gaudí died five days later, and was buried in the crypt of the building to which he had devoted 44 years of his life, the as-yet unfinished Sagrada Familia.
During Gaudí's lifetime, official organizations rarely recognized his talent. The City of Barcelona often tried (unsuccessfully) to stop or limit Gaudí's work because it exceeded city regulations, and the only project the City ever assigned him was that of designing streetlights. He received the Building of the Year award for his least impressive building, Casa Calvet.

Antoni Gaudí

Antoni Gaudí Bookstore

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